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Catholic faith

Catholic faith

The rich realities of the Catholic faith are communicated with formulas, which permit us to express the faith and to hand it on.

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Catholic social teaching

Catholic social teaching

Catholic social teaching faces an opportunity and a challenge. People want to learn what the Church teaches but tend to seek cures for society’s ills without God.

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The art of catechesis

The art of catechesis

Icons, hymns, churches, words of saints, catechism passages, and the liturgy’s prayers. They all lead to the central focus of catechesis, Jesus Christ.

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Faith in practice

Faith in practice

After a while, the moment came to its crisis, and I had to answer THE question: Is the faith I inherited also the one I chose to be my faith in practice?

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The Christian faith

The Christian faith

Catechesis should draw from all the riches of the Christian faith: the Word of God, the Magisterium, the liturgy, the saints, theology, Christian culture, and sacred images.

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Sacred art

Sacred art

Stained glass, murals, sculptures, the stations of the cross, icons, and other sacred art are images that catechize.

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The catechist

The catechist

Wherever one starts considering the topic of the ‘vocation of the catechist,’ all the roads end at the same place: the catechist leading a Christian life.

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Sacred images

Sacred images

Sacred images can express much more than what can be said in words, and be an extremely effective and dynamic way of communicating the Gospel message.

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